
Stay cool this bank holiday

Stay cool this bank holiday

Cars: We all know leaving an animal in a car is a ‘no no’ yet many owners are still offenders. No matter how quickly you are nipping into the shop, this is something that should not be done, regardless of whether a window is left open or not. Equally, conservatories or greenhouses can have the same effect when the temperatures soar with an animal having no way of escape or cooling down. To avoid this, take your dog out of the car with you, or leave them at home altogether in...

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We missed our TV Debut on Top 100 Dogs!

We missed our TV Debut on Top 100 Dogs!

Well, we missed out on our TV debut on Britian's Favourite Top 100 Dogs... We were contacted by Ricochet Productions in Brighton and were going to meet up and do some filming. However, everything went quiet and I couldn't figure out why we weren't being contacted anymore........Until I watched 'Top 100 Dogs' and saw Michael Ball on there with his 2 Tibetan Terriers!   And Tibetan's came 52??? Never mind, I'm a big fan Michael Ball and it was lovely to watch Tibetan Terriers getting some airtime. 

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Diet & Nutrition

Diet & Nutrition

It is important to monitor your dog’s weight and pay attention to their body condition over time to ensure you are feeding them correctly and that they are not under or overfed. Your vet will be able to tell you what a healthy weight is, but as a guide, you should be able to feel your dog’s ribs and see a waistline. The body condition chart below is a good indicator. In multi-dog households where one dog is eating the leftovers from another dog’s dinner, you may need to feed...

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Bringing Pets on Trains

  • By Caroline Denholm
Bringing Pets on Trains

With Virgin East Coast Trains you can bring up to two dogs, cats or other small domestic animals can jump, hop and bound on board without having to pay a penny. Good job really, they never carry cash.   For each additional pet, you’ll have to stick your paw in your pocket and may have to pay up to a maximum of £5 for each journey.    If you’re travelling with your assistance dog and need help, let us know by calling our Assisted Travel team on 03457 225 225 (lines open...

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